
Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Elf entrapper Guide

credit by:ravisugih1
sumber :

Full Str level 1-104 dan Full pure vit level 105+

Level 1-19 rogue > Level 20-39 ruffian > Level 40-74 scout> Level 75-104 Rune walker > Entrapper

-Rogue job(level 1-19)

Active skills to max
1.Max Dusk slashing
2.Max zephry

Passive skills to max
1.Max Dagger training
2.Max Light evasion
3.Max Light Armor expertise
4.Max Death sign
5.Max Blind sign

-Ruffian(level 20-39)

Attack :0
critical damage:1%
Mp Regen: 0
Attack speed:0%

Active skills to max
1.Max Dusk slashing
2.Max Zephyr
3.Max Wind Breaking
4.Max detect hole
5.Max Nature shield ( For more Defense )
6.Nature Mind (for more magical defense

Passive skills to max
1.Max Dagger training
2.Max light armor expertise
3. Max light evasion
4. Max Shadow instinct
5.Max Death sign
6.Max Blind side
7.Max Diabolic instinct

-Scout (level 40-74)

Attack : 0%
critical damage: 2%
evasion: 3
Mp Regen: 2
Attack speed:0%

Active skills to max
1.Max Dusk slashing > Rapid Slashing
2.Max Zephyr
3.Max Nature shield ( For more Defense )
4.Max Wind Breaking
5.Max detect hole
6.Max Fatal Touch
7.Max Side Step
8.Max Whispering wind
9.Max Nature Aid
11.Nature Mind

Passive skills to max
1.Max Dagger training
2.Max light armor expertise
3. Max light evasion
4. Max Shadow instinct
5.Max Death sign
6.Max Blind side
7.Max Diabolic Instinct

Rune Walker (level 75-104)

Attack : 0%
critical damage: 4%
evasion: 9
Mp Regen: 6
Attack speed:0%

Active Skills to max
1.Max Dusk slashing > rapid slashing
2.Max casting foil
3.Max Illusion Attack
4.Max Whispering Fire
5.Max Whispering Wind
6.Max Zephyr
7.Max Side step
8.Max Detect Hole
9.Max Fatal Touch
10.Max Nature shield
11.Nature Mind

Passive skills to max
1.Max Blind Side
2. Max Death sign
3.Max Dagger training
4. Max Light armor expertise
5.Max Shadow Instinct
6.Max Light evasion
7.Max Diabolic Instinct

Entrapper ( level 105-125 ) usahakan skill di reset karena skill wind breaking sudah tidak dibutuhkan

Attack: 1%
critical damage: 7%
evasion: 18
Mp Regen: 6
Attack speed:0%

Active skills to max
1.Max Dusk slashing > rapid slashing ( max lvl 20 )
2.Max casting foil
3.Max Illusion Attack
4.Max Whispering Fire
5.Max Whispering Wind
6.Max Zephyr
7.Max Side step
8.Max Detect Hole
9.Max Fatal Touch
10.Max Nature shield
11. Max Hunter bomb
12. Max Hunter smoke
13.Max Shield boomerang
14. Max Catch Pounding
15.Nature Mind

Passive skills to max
1.Max Blind side
2. Max Death sign
3.Max Dagger training
4. Max Light armor expertise
5.Max Shadow Instinct
6.Max Light evasion
7.Max Diabolic Instinct

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